Rapé, a powder made from ancient plants from the Amazon whose essential component is tobacco, is a physical and spiritual medicine that helps cleanse the pineal gland, a part of the body that connects the human being directly with energy. Therapists and specialists in the uses of medicinal plants state that “this gland, through some substances of daily use such as fluoride, becomes calcified and numb,” so rapé manages to decalcify that gland, in addition to providing other benefits. for both physical and spiritual health of the human being. The mixture is composed of vegetables and minerals that the different tribes that inhabit the Amazon have used for thousands of years. Its main component is tobacco, which is usually applied toasted on embers or made into ashes, but regardless of which plants or minerals accompany it, what is important according to experts is “the spirit of those plants”, which provides an extra contribution to the different active ingredients. that make up this medicine. It should be said that rapé is made differently depending on the country of origin, usually Brazil or Colombia. “It (tobacco) can be mixed with up to 39 different plants such as tiles, mother-of-pearl shells, seeds, roots,” explain experts and commented that in Brazil some of the rapés are named after the tribes that use it, as is the case from the Katukina, Nukini, Yawanawa tribe and more. The members of these tribes “know the energy of plants because they are in contact with nature all the time, they fast, they don’t eat anything, they drink a little liquid and only one plant.” Fasting and previously being in a period of solitude serves to “be cleaner energetically”, free of other heavy energies such as that of meat. “They take only that plant until they get to know how it acts on them and see that communication between the two beings, the being that is the plant and their own being,” specialists detail. Added to this self-knowledge is the transmission of wisdom from one generation of traditional doctors to another within the tribe itself.
WHOLESALE – Rapés, from different Brazilian tribes, strong, visionary and of high quality, chosen for their high purity and strength
$19.00 – $649.00
Rapé snuff | Cumaru, Nukini, Elixir, Sansara, Parica, Veía de page, Rosas, Mulateiro, Onca Rey, Catsanu, Samauma, Alecrim, Copaiba, Serengeiro, Cacao, Eucalipto, Tipi, Caneleiro, Aroeira, Chacruna strong, Kuntanawa, Katsaral, Tsunu, Caprin Santo, Pixuri, Aniz estrelado, Kaxinawa, Pau pereira, Canela de velho, Jatoba, Apuriña, Yawanawa, Murici, Roxo, Andiroba, Uña de gato, Caboclo guerreiro, Palheiro, Emburana, Jurema strong, Bashawa, Salvia, Camomila, Yopo strong, Onca Rey, Ayahuasca strong, 7 hiervas, Cristal menta, Alfabaca, Sacred Feminine, Jiboa, Bobinsana, Nawa, Mulungu, Hortela, Angico, Artemisia, Yopohuasca, King Jaguar, Rosas Vermelho, Forza da Rainha, Sao Joao Curandeiro |
Weight | 20grms, 40grms, 60grms, 100grms, 250grms, 500grms, 1000grms – 1 kgm |