Huito Fruit(Ginepa Americana) Organic powder of 100% natural fruit pulp.
Huito medicinal plant are widely used for great health benefits.
the plant of huito has multiple uses in the amaznoia by the different tribe.
the green fruit is used to play in the traditional festival of carnival, the different tribes are painted face and body, the curious fact of the fruit is that the black mark does not appear instantly, appears after about 20 minutes and disappears after 2 days.
the ripe fruit is consumed by the tribes since it has a very strong and pleasant smell, the taste that is bitter-sweet.
the tribes extract the juice of the green fruit of the huito to make tatuajaes are the so-called sacred inks of the amazonia, and to paint their hair black, with the mixtures of other plants the painting of the hair takes up to 30 days,…
The medicinal plant Huito or Genipa americana L. is used for diseases or ailments such as Anemia, Asthma, Bronchitis, Baldness, Cancer, Dandruff, Diarrhea, Teeth (extraction), Chronic Enteritis, Hemorrhage, Dropsy (Ascitis), Jaundice, Vaginal Inflammation , Laxatives, Skin (Fungi), Cold, Measles, Cough … since it has very effective active ingredients for this type of diseases.
Nutritional properties of Huito
Among the valuable properties of the jagua or huito we must mention its high content of vitamins and minerals very good for our body. To mention some of these nutrients we can highlight iron, vitamin B2, among others. In 100 grams of edible pulp we can find:
Calories: 113
Proteins: 5.2 g
Lipids: 0.3 g
Fiber: 9.4 g
Calcium: 40.0 mg
Phosphorus: 58.0 mg
Iron: 3.6 mg
Vitamin B2: 0.04 mg
Niacin: 0.50 mg
Ascorbic acid: 33.0 mg