Tribe Matses

20 to 1000 grs AYAHUASCA KIT (B.Caapi + Chacruna Resin Mix) AYAHUASCA CEREMONIAL TRIP

20 to 1000 grs AYAHUASCA KIT (B.Caapi + Chacruna Resin Mix) AYAHUASCA CEREMONIAL TRIP


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This product is the same one used for ayahuasca ceremonial in the depths of the Amazon, prepared by Shaman

This paste was made with clean water only and freshly harvested Banisteriopsis Caapi Yellow. When the vine is used fresh the product is superior to when using dried vine. Together with local indigenous people we slow boil the Caapi  for many hours (3 times 8 hours). After each 8 hour increment, we filter the liquid and then boil down the clear liquid until a thick paste remains. This is the pure gold of this plant. You will love it. The paste can be dissolved in water or used as it is.


Master Plant Teacher

Many tribes regard Banisteriopsis caapi also known as Ayahuasca as a plant of the gods. Known as a Master Plant Teacher, this giant woody vine grows in the lush Amazon rainforest of Peru and Brazil, with many curious characteristics and properties that have drawn worldwide attention. It belongs to the Malpighiaceae family and has been traditionally used by countless South American tribes inhibiting the Amazon for thousands of years. Known most commonly for its healing power, this vine is richly steeped in cultural mythology and tradition. Although it is revered internationally it is still considered to be a very mysterious plant, arguably one of the most fascinating and culturally rich plants on earth.


The vine possesses a rather distinct appearance, with a circular twisting shape that bears many branches and leaves. It has been recorded to grow on average of 40 ft in height! The leaves of the caapi are opposite, green, oval-shaped, pointed on the end and are smooth. The flowers are petite (12-14mm in diameter and 2.5-3mm long) with a white to pinkish colour when in full bloom. They are indeed a special and rare sight to see.  Small fan-like seeds are produced that are green in colour when fresh and fade to a brown when dried. It thrives in humus-rich and moist soil, with lots of water such as in warm tropical environments.


The deep brown stems are filled with various chemical constituents. Harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine are among a few, and are classified as harmala alkaloids and MAOI’s. Scientific analysis has identified the vines to constitute approximately 0.11-0.83% beta-carboline, with the majority being the harmaline and tetrahydroharmaline. The vine also contains several alkaloids.

Traditionally speaking and in some remote areas of the jungle today, a tea of the vine is decocted and used to treat a wide variety of illnesses. The decoction can also be massaged into the skin. Young Waorani boys have the powder blown into the lungs through a bird windpipe, and is said to give the child powerful lungs and the strength to become a great hunter.

As the discovery and exploration of the traditional use of Ayahuasca grew, it became known for its telepathic powers; initially the psychoactive alkaloid was called telepathine, which is now known as harmaline.  When this root was used on its own, it produces mood-enhancing and sedative effects. In stronger doses, the harmaline can produce, nausea, vomiting and shivering.


Consume between 25 and 35 grams of pasta per person.

Dissolve in a little warm water 100 ml, let cool and drink.

The exact dose is determined by a shaman according to the resistance of the patient’s body.

For safety reasons, it is recommended to drink under the supervision of a shaman expert in this medicine.


20grms, 30grms, 50grms, 100grms, 200grms, 250grms, 500grms, 1000grms – 1 kgm


Maria S. | February 13, 2024
(Qualification 5/5)

Thanks tribematses for an amazing service once more!

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Maria S. | August 24, 2022
(Qualification 5/5)

Discreet Packaging, fast shipping and great service always :)

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Maria S. | March 21, 2022
(Qualification 5/5)

Discreet packaging, fast shipping and great products each time.
Received in Europe with no issues. Just have in mind that there is a new IVA norm for packages coming from outside Europe so you'll have to declare. Tribe Matses helped me with the details to safely get my order.

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Jordi Capdevila | December 27, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

Bons productes de la tribu Matses, benediccions per a tots gracies

Dmitriy Yankauskas | November 10, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

Thank you so much. Finally my order arrived to California.. outstanding products and service. Love ❤️ A’ho

mcpamelacongia | November 5, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

Maravilloso Rapè Jurema Preta. Gran calidad de los productos, envío díscreto y bastante rapido!
Increíbles medicinas. Gracias!

mcpamelacongia | April 12, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

Soy cliente desde años, los productos y los precios son increíbles. Los envíos llegan en España entre 3-4 semanas. Siempre pasan la aduana sin problemas. Estoy muy agradecida de haber encontrado una tienda tan honesta y profesional. Siempre me han atendida con mucho amor y cuidado. Gracias

Tong Jin | March 30, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

The first two shipments have arrived today after about 4 weeks. Passed customs without a problem and I am now looking forward to my ayahuasca experience. Thank you tribematses :-)

Esthy Baltisberger | February 17, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

Beautuful shop and people.Top service .Great products I love the Rapés and the Extracts.Ecxellent shipping method always passes customs without problems.Very nice conversation and help in the chat.Best Amazonian shop online.Thaaaaaank you.

Noriaki Wada | January 6, 2021
(Qualification 5/5)

I did a San Pedro ceremony in the beach of Okinawa island with my friends.
Ocean campfire full moon and spirits of the land and spirit of San Pedro all together every thing went perfect.
I will strongly recommend San Pedro paste, everyone who reading this review should try it. that’s my opinion.
By the way I ordered ayahuasca too and it was sent in the same day from Peru San Pedro has been received in about two weeks, but I haven’t received ayahuasca yet it’s been more than a month I hope I will receive it soon and then I will post another review.
Thank you so much who are selling this stuff, who are making this stuff, and thank you to the plants and the sprits.

raffaelecentola | July 20, 2020
(Qualification 5/5)

Ayahuasca de calidad, envío preciso y gente muy amable y servicial.

boebogzilla | July 25, 2020
(Qualification 5/5)

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, my gratitude cannot begin to express the beautiful medicine that I received full of love from the Matses tribe. The shipment was discreet and very quick. Super satisfied customer.

Gian Luca | July 25, 2020
(Qualification 5/5)

the product has arrived fully compliant with the description and excellent care of the packaging
thank you so much
an embrace of light

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